Changed: Decreased the MAXACTORS and MAXSTATS lower limit to 50. Fixed: Resize issue causing the map tools to disappear Fixed: WDC would freeze and crash when u...
Several additions and fixes. Added: Line drawing tool for the map editor. Hold shift to force diagonal. [#24] Added: Toggleable grid lines. [#21] Added: Adjusta...
Several improvements and fixes: Added: Enhanced WL6 and SOD wmc files courtesy of Executor. Fixed: Improved map refresh speed, especially on larger maps. Fixed...
Some minor changes and fixes: Added: Cancel confirmation on map symbol editor. Fixed: Can now import multiple map files that would go beyond the last map slot...
Fixed: Reads lump names for PK3/WAD export correctly when the file has DOS/Windows line endings. Fixed: Test map generation now includes keys. Added: Project se...
Now with the ability to import and export Rise of the Triad map files! Added: Ability to import and export Rise of the Triad's RTL and RTC map files. Added: Add...
Fixed: Subscript out of range error that would sometimes occur when exporting maps in UWMF. The displayed map data was being used to determine the floor code fo...